We were surprised this month in being informed of our selection into the finalist for a European app design.  Now we had not initiated or formally applied nor bribed our way in, but were chosen because of the clever way we had integrated new GPS app technology into our outdoor amazing races and scavenger hunts.  Below is an image from their electronic magazine showing our cool design features and pages used in the Manly Amazing Scavenger Hunt Race. In their words;

“Games can’t be more international than this. A scavenger hunt in the city of Manly, Australia. This teambuilding activity takes place all over town and lets you preform all kinds of physical challenges, from a human pyramid to making team tattoos. Great work!”  For more information on Manly Scavenger Hunt

Page design award for manly amazing scavenger race

One of the challenges is making sure that each of the pages are clever in their look, reflect the uniqueness of the location and give an impression to the team of the originality that we are seeking in doing the program.  We at Scavenger Hunt Australia have invested heavily in technology seeing enormous improvements in the accuracy of GPS technology, creativity in the design of pages and now with the recent introduction of augment technology games.

We are pleased to announce today that the company Leica Microsystems have selected Scavenger Hunt Australia for their upcoming team challenge that we will be running in early February. More news will be coming on their scavenger hunt event with some unique customisation that will include the Ransom Note Challenge. This will involve teams being given a mission in the beginning of the program of assisting in a rescue mission and  they will need to recover and secure enough money for the Ransom exchange.  Of course this is all in the name of fun and teamwork. Ransom note adds a team plot to the scavenger hunt theme and of course some drama making the event different in the way it starts and finishes. Information on the Ransom Note Scavenger Hunt.


