Hi Tech Scavenger Hunt with Augment Reality

Imagine reaching a location such as a library looking for a dinosaur that only you can see through your augment reality perspective  that no one else can witness.  This is what augment reality will do for scavenger hunts bringing the world of fantasy and super heroes or any cult hero or animated character into the hunt.

Imagine going to a location where only you can see a car parked in a building and you need to access its number plate through your augmented reality technology.

THE GOOD NEWS is that we have begun using augment reality in our scavenger hunts.  Though it is basic it shows that we can bring games and animated images into the hunt program.

Museum Contemporary of Arts

We incorporated over 30 unique hidden locations in the Rocks and Circular Area in the program.  Of course the Museum of contemporary of Arts was a main feature using the forecourt for a number of activities.


Augment Reality in action

Concentration and Imagination all in one

Involvement of all in setting the scene using augment technology

The session was a fabulous one, I have heard great feedback ongoing since the day. I have received the link and just working out how best to download these at the moment.  3M

Advise and Suggestions

If we can assist in any way send us a question and we will come back to you.

